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Ellen Weinstein

Ellen Weinstein was born and lives in New York City. She is a graduate of Pratt Institute and The High School of Art and Design. She is a regular contributor to Time Magazine, The New York Times, The Atlantic, The Wall Street Journal and many other publications.

Weinstein has created images for many design firms, book publishers and cultural institutions. Recent projects include a series of programs and posters for The Nashville Symphony, an ad campaign for Georges DuBoeuf wine and books for Simon & Schuster and Workman Press. Her work has been recognized by The Society of Illustrators, American Illustration, Communication Arts, Print’s Regional Design annual and 3x3 Professional Show. She also shows her work in various galleries in the US and Italy. Illustration anthologies include: Curvy, Illustration Today, Japan, New York Based Creatives (from Taiwan) and "Drawing Inspiration: Visual Artists at Work" by Michael Fleishman.

Fall 2018 Courses

  • ILLUS-3400-01 Image Design