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Main address + phone number

Rhode Island School of Design
Two College Street
Providence, RI 02903-2784

phone: 401 454-6100
toll-free: 800 364-RISD

Map and information about visiting campus

Emergencies on campus: call 401 454-6666

RISD Public Safety responds 24/7. Visit in the event of a campus-wide emergency.

Contacting specific people + offices

To contact a member of the campus community, use the search icon at the top of each page and search by last name. Email addresses, phone numbers and other contact information for RISD offices are available in this online directory.

Information about applying to RISD is available at RISD Admissions. For questions about the admissions process, please email [email protected].

To receive a viewbook and join our mailing list, please fill out our information request form.

Information about RISD’s wide range of Continuing Education classes, summer programs, workshops and certificate programs for children and adults is available at the RISD|CE website. Please direct questions to [email protected].

Copies of transcripts, diplomas, certificates

The RISD Registrar can help with requests for copies of degree program transcripts and/or diplomas.
request a copy of your transcript
request a new copy of your diploma

If you took courses of completed a RISD|CE certificate program, you can request a transcript at [email protected].