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Stories about studios + projects

Fulbright Cites RISD as a Top Producer of Scholars

RISD has emerged as a top producer of students who qualify for Fulbright grants, according to the US government’s leading sponsor of international exchanges.

Creating Communities in the Sky

In the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks that destroyed New York’s Twin Towers, architects and urban designers began to ask a question that had seemed unthinkable in the new millennium.

Design Treatments for Cancer Care

At the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) in New York City, physicians and scientists are encouraged to collaborate, with the idea that the marriage of minds will drive effective strategies to prevent, control – and ultimately cure – cancer in the future.

Architecture Trio Wins New Recognition

Last year architecture alumsDavid Getty MArch 10, Stephanie Gunawan MArch 10 and Matthew Jacobs BArch 11 accomplished a rare feat for any newly minted art school graduate: In their very first project as the design teamTinder, Tinker, the trio earned international recognition by winning the Jury Prize inSukkah City 2010, a global design competition held in New York City.

Running Away with the Gypsies

My cobblestone dead-end driveway is not along RISD’s fashionable Benefit Street.

Reimagining Household Chores

Students in Architecture, Foundation Studies, Industrial Design and Interior and Landscape Architecture participated in a series of special interdisciplinary courses focused on a future in which gadgets and machines help ease the burden of household chores.

Japanese Art to Offer Relief

On Saturday, April 9, students from the RISD studio Architectonics will join their instructor, New York-based architect Aki Ishida, at the Japan Society in New York City for a benefit concert and workshop to raise funds for the Society’s Earthquake Relief Fund.

Community Garden Blossoms

As crits go, it was unusual: Under a hazy afternoon sky, in an open-air pavilion with a view of the Blackstone River, 68 students from a spring 2011 Architecture Design studio presented the thinking behindBlossom, a community garden they designed for the city of Pawtucket, RI.

Passion and Problem-Solving: Artists as Entrepreneurs

“Making art is a lot like quitting smoking,” said RISD alumMac Premo 95 IL.