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Stories about studios + projects

Lynda Barry

Visiting artist Lynda Barry is a strange combination of artist/author/teacher/cartoonist/comedian – and probably most importantly, a source of total inspiration.

Reimagining Medical Communications

RISD and Brown students generally follow different paths on College Hill – Brown students spending their days in libraries pouring over books, their RISD counterparts spending their nights in studios making creative responses to assignments.

AIGA Chief Advises Students

Art students and politicians don’t usually speak the same language, much less collaborate towards a common goal.

Passion and Problem-Solving: Artists as Entrepreneurs

“Making art is a lot like quitting smoking,” said RISD alumMac Premo 95 IL.

Students Take Tattoos to New Depths

When the Providence studio The Story Hat (TSH) began to develop their concept for a feature-length animated horror film, they didn’t need to look far to find an abundance of talented young artists to start the production process.

Serious Play

In an interdisciplinary studio built around Cranium, the Hasbro board game that blends language, art, memory and performance, students explored the psychology of game playing with an eye toward developing new games for the future.

From Mundane to More Meaningful

The summer after my freshman year, I got a job through RISD working for a faux finish, mural and fine art company called Imago Dei in Houston, TX.

Rothman’s Rabbits

When invited to create an illustration for a 2011 New Year’s card sent out by RISD’s President John Maeda,Julia Rothman 02 IL didn’t hesitate, despite having to juggle a steady spate of freelance commissions and ongoing work through her design firm.

Student Artwork Gains Exposure at RISD Exposé

With November temperatures this year soaring up into the 70s, it's hard to believe the holiday season is well on its way.