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Campus spaces are an inseparable part of the creativity and energy of life at RISD. Show your support for campus advancement by giving now.

Give now

Build a vibrant environment for learning and making

RISD depends on high-quality facilities to provide the environments, tools and conditions that activate student learning, enable exploration and serve as the fundamental framework of an exceptional art and design education. President Rosanne Somerson 76 ID

RISD’s faculty and students thrive in dynamic settings that foster creative expression, intellectual exchange and discovery. New forms of creative practice, teaching and scholarship require new kinds of space for shared projects, research and advanced fabrication. To best serve the RISD community, we seek to make our campus as adaptable, accessible, sustainable and engaging as possible.

Building and renovating our campus spaces is vitally important to the advancement of RISD critical making agenda. To maintain our reputation as a global leader in art and design education, RISD must invest in facilities that keep pace with or exceed those of peer institutions. Please help us to ensure that RISD’s campus continues to be the creative learning environment our students and faculty deserve.

Transformational projects for our core campus will animate RISD’s immersive residential learning environment. You can help us to:

  • Upgrade our classrooms to be more flexible and technologically sophisticated
  • Expand and adapt our studios to accommodate new tools and methods of making
  • Renovate existing facilities into gathering spaces that are welcoming to all
  • Build and improve residential spaces to provide high-quality student housing that supports health and wellness

Get in touch

Please call toll-free 844 454-1877 or email [email protected] for more information about how you can help transform RISD’s campus for the next generation of students.

Other opportunities to give

Give to the RISD Fund

Provide the critical support RISD needs to continue offering students a world-class education.

​Support our students

Increase scholarships and fellowships and advance social equity so students with limited financial means can benefit from all that a RISD education has to offer.

​Invest in faculty excellence

Support the extraordinary teachers and makers who are shaping RISD’s next generation of artists and designers.